ST. GEORGE — Washington County Search and Rescue members discovered more hikers in need of help while responding to another emergency call to rescue a separate hiker in Pine Valley on Saturday.

Washington County Sheriff’s Deputy Jacob Paul said rescue teams were dispatched to an initial call due to a teenage boy with knee injury hiking on the Forsyth Trail in Pine Valley at about 9:30 a.m.

He said it was a “possible knee dislocation,” and as such the teenager had to be loaded on a Wheeled Stokes Basket, then pushed off of the trail for close to 4 miles.

“The Search and Rescue guys got about 2/3 of the way up the trail to the patient when it got too treacherous for the Wheeled Stokes,” Paul said. “So I made the decision to call DPS Star 7 (helicopter).”

Read more on this story at St George News


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