Tactical Flight Officer

Toll Aviation and ASU NVG Centre Brings a New Level of Servicing Excellence to Australia

Toll Aviation and Aviation Specialties Unlimited (ASU) have partnered to create an NVG Centre and provide unparalleled support and swift, efficient maintenance servicing and repair of Night Vision Goggles...

Townsville Police Showcase the Effectiveness of Polair Capability in Regional Queensland

Townsville police have delivered a comprehensive demonstration of the benefits of having a Polair helicopter capability in a...

Signia Aerospace Acquires Meeker Aviation and Airfilm Camera Systems

GEORGETOWN, Calif., November 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Signia Aerospace, a portfolio company of Arcline Investment Management ("Arcline"), today announced the acquisition...

Man Arrested for Shining Green Laser at Tampa Police Helicopter

Police in Tampa, Florida arrested a 26-year-old man on Monday who is accused of shining a green laser...

Shining Laser Pointers at Pilots is a Federal Crime. Recent St. Louis Area Charges Show Why.

Two men decided separately in recent months to see if their laser pointers could hit helicopters in the...

Toll Aviation and ASU NVG Centre Brings a New Level of Servicing Excellence to Australia

Toll Aviation and Aviation Specialties Unlimited (ASU) have partnered to create an NVG Centre and provide unparalleled support and swift, efficient maintenance servicing and...

Townsville Police Showcase the Effectiveness of Polair Capability in Regional Queensland

Townsville police have delivered a comprehensive demonstration of the benefits of having a Polair helicopter capability in a regional setting. Government MPs from other...

Signia Aerospace Acquires Meeker Aviation and Airfilm Camera Systems

GEORGETOWN, Calif., November 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Signia Aerospace, a portfolio company of Arcline Investment Management ("Arcline"), today announced the acquisition of Meeker Aviation and Airfilm Camera...

Man Arrested for Shining Green Laser at Tampa Police Helicopter

Police in Tampa, Florida arrested a 26-year-old man on Monday who is accused of shining a green laser directly at an airborne police helicopter...

Shining Laser Pointers at Pilots is a Federal Crime. Recent St. Louis Area Charges Show Why.

Two men decided separately in recent months to see if their laser pointers could hit helicopters in the skies around St. Louis only to...

11-Year-Old With Cancer Visits New Mexico State Police Aviation Unit

An 11-year-old child who has cancer and dreams of becoming a pilot in the Air Force recently got to visit the New Mexico State...